Online Registration Closed

Race Event sign up at the track only!

To register for racing, go here: Berm Benders Raceway Online Race Registration (

·         The deadline to register online for the Featured Event is the Thursday prior to the event.

  • IMPORTANT: please select the correct event!


Remember, you must check-in at the track during race registration hours.  Here is a list of what you will need to bring to check-in:

  • Current AMA card

  • Current D23 card (or your district's card if you are not a MN resident)

  • Online registration confirmation email

  • Minor Release (minors only)

  • Legal Guardians (minors only)


Sick of filling out release after release at every race weekend?  The AMA offers an annual release for both adults and minors.  Once you get this card, you no longer have to sign the forms, but just show your AMA annual release card.  To obtain your AMA annual release, click HERE.  Scroll towards the bottom of the page where you will find the annual releases. 


For online entry, you will need your AMA number.  If you do not have an AMA membership, you can purchase one online by clicking HERE.